Get 24/7 customer support, flexible timings and expert live faculty led classes. Join to master effectively the top categories include Block chain, Big Data, Cloud Computing, DevOps, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic process Automation and more…
With a vision to establish as the largest online learning corporate and academia educator. Aiding people and learners to achieve their next level in their careers. Enhancing their skills to gain an upper edge in the field of education.
( More into Azure, PMP, Agile, try Whizlabs )
What makes Edureka special?
- Master certification along with course certification offered.
- Easy scheduling according to learners’ convenience.
- Continuous support rendered.
- Continuous trainers’ evaluation to ensure they are always up to date and up to the standards.
- Newer versions updated absolutely free to keep you always in par with the industry.
- Best quality interactive sessions to give that personal one to one feel.
The entire process of Edureka
- Communicate with our personal learning manager and clear all your doubts. Convey your reasons for learning and get to know our web and mobile platform.
- All sessions of learning are conducted with live demos, Ques and Answer by experts.
- Classes missed are recorded and uploaded.
- Lifetime access to previous class recording is given.
- Assignments and Quizzes are conducted periodically to assess you during the learning process and to evaluate your level of understanding.
- Lifetime learning support extended by our 24*7 support team.
- Real time problems solved by experts gives you practical experience.
- Lifetime access to students’ forum is given to share your experiences and to learn from theirs.
- Enhance your career, quicken your process of gaining certification. Get guided in preparing your Curriculum Vitae and get tips to prepare for your interviews.
Always gain an upper edge in educating yourself. Let’s be smart learners and quick implementers.
Practical application of theoretical knowledge is done at Edureka.
Make Edureka your professional mentor, to draw yourself towards success.
Live chats enable to gain in depth knowledge and to clear any doubts that arise during the session.
( Want to shape your knowledge to clear IT exams Microsoft comp TIA, Oracle at ease, Join Kaplan IT training )
Edureka top trending courses and their benefits
Cloud Master’s Program
Modules Covered
Designing, Planning and Scaling, Cloud implementation.
Training provided on Java, Cloud computing Architectural principle, Migrating Applications on Cloud and DevOps.
- 13 weeks of extensive training
- 10 courses covered
- 200+ hours of interactive sessions.
- Ensures you become a Cloud professional.
- 18 million job opportunities.
- 26% for Cloud related opportunities.
- Real time projects to get further expertise.
What you can become?
- Cloud Architect
- Enterprise Solutions Architect
- DevOps Cloud Architect
- Infrastructure Architect
- Cloud Engineer.
Big Data Master’s Program (16 programs)
Modules covered
- Hadoop
- Spark stack
- Cassandra
- Talend and Apache Kafka messaging system.
- Almost 5000+ opportunities
- 200+ hours of learning
- Capstone project given
- 24 weeks of intensive sessions
- 5 million career opportunities.
What can you become?
- Data Scientist
- Big Data Engineer
- Machine Learning Scientist
- Big Data Solution Architect
- Big Data developer.
Trains you in developing Java developer’s codes with data types conditions and looping, memory management and handling Java projects.
DevOps Master Program
Modules covered
Continuous monitoring and continuous delivery is made proficient with tools like Puppet, Nagios, Chef, Ausible Docker, Git and Jenkins. Lumise, Python, Docker, AWS Development and Splunk is even covered in the curriculum.
- Almost 5000+ job descriptions.
- 200+ hours of interactive learning.
- million career opportunities
- 20 weeks intense training.
What you can become?
- DevOps Engineer
- Automation Engineer
- DevOps Architect
- Security Engineer
- Integration Specialist
6 core courses taught and 5 electives to make you gain expertise on all tools of DevOps ecosystem.
Real time project to gain intense knowledge on the modules learnt is provided.
Data Science Masters Programs
Modules covered
- Statistics
- Data Science
- Python
- Apache
- Spack and Scala
- Tensorflow
- Tableau
- 12 courses dealt with
- 250+ hours of live learning
- Capstone project
- million career opportunities
What you can become?
- Data Scientist
- Data and Analytics Manager
- Data Architect
- Principal Scientist
- Data Engineer
B1 and Visualization Certification courses
Business Intelligence helps to enhance the ability of individuals to do data analysis and to deliver results to the decision makers.
Modules covered
- Tableau
- Informatica
- Power BI MSBI and more.
- 45 million career opportunities is available
- 25 weeks intensive training
What can you become?
- BI Architect
- BI Analyst
- BI Engineer
- MSBI Developer
- BI and Reporting developer.
What learners feel about Edureka?
- Very informative, all queries answered, Real example dealt.
- Learning done with real world examples.
- Exhaustive courses and real modern platform to equip yourself in IT.
- Well organized classes, excellent support staff.
- Clear explanations.
- Best course material.
Whats a Capstone Project?
A final project to sum up your Masters Programs learning. This serves to test your knowledge and skills derived during the program and to give you practical knowledge about all the modules dealt in the course. A real time case is presented and all the issues to be dealt and solved.
On successful completion of this project after completing all the individual courses. You will be entitled to receive the Certificate for Master Program.
Hows a Master program different form individual courses?
Master’s program makes sure you have gained in depth knowledge about all the modules dealt in the program and you are now equipped to become the individual you aimed to be before joining e.g. Big Data Architect or a Cloud Engineer etc.
Gives you a real time experience and makes you solve real time cases along with the 24/7 guidance of Edureka experts team.
Get in touch for further details
IndiQube ETA
3rd floor NO.38/4
Adjacent to Dell EMC2,Dodanekundi
Outer Ring Road, Bengaluru
“Master your skills and shape your profession in style” choose Edureka.