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10% OFF SayByeBugs kits
Expires: Expires December 31, 2030
Submitted: 2 years ago
Do you see these?
- Any reports of bed bugs in your neighbourhood?
- Any bed bugs nests in your mattress?
- Any bloody stains in your mattress?
- Any itchy bites on your skin?
Absolutely nominally priced , not poisoning completely safe for your pets, without changing your environment, clothing or furniture.
What’s special about Saybyebugs?
- Clinically tested for effectiveness.
- Non-toxic and safe.
- 100% effective.
- Colorless and no stains.
Keep your pillows, mattresses, bed frames, bed rails, closets, carpeting, furniture, purses, briefcases, cracks etc. away from bed bugs.
What’s not safe about pesticides?
- Not targeted for bed bugs
- Can be harmful to your pets
- Can contain pyrethrins which are not safe
Sodium Lauryl sulfate, 1% sodium chloride, 0.7% citric acid, potassium sorbate 0.06%, water total 100%.
How effective is it?
- All stages of bed bugs are destroyed.
- Disturbs their mating cycle.
- Quick destroying capacity.
Free handy booklet to guide you
100% money back , 90 day return
Universally tested.
Gentle safe ingredients used.
Deadly combination to bed bugs.
No stains, no bad smells.
Easily dries and reacts with bed bugs strongly.
Highly effective.
Affordable, proven formula, safe water based spray, works great within a short period of 2 days.
Even effective on ticks and cockroaches.
How good is customer service?
- Timely support
- Immediate response to emails
- Quick response to queries
- Immediate action taken
Free from odor, stains and pyrethrin.
Oil Free, 100% hypoallergenic ingredients.
Select from these packages available
Single bedrooms
- 2-3 bedrooms
- 4-6 bedrooms
Feel free to contact in case of queries
+1(855 290 -8300)
5am to 5pm
“Bid farewell to itchy sleeping” choose Saybyebugs.
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